Catedrala Notre Dame De Paris

Catedrala notre dame paris cele doua turnuri gemene si cele trei porti sculptate ale catedralei notre dame din paris sunt imposibil de confundat.
Catedrala notre dame de paris. Este si motiv pentru care a inspirat multe opere literare sau artistice precum cocosatul de la notre dame a lui victor hugo sau comedia muzicala notre dame de paris a lui luc plamadon si richard cocciante. Turnurile au 69 de metri in timp ce spirala o anexa din secolul xix are 90 de metri inaltime. Notre dame de paris france. The notre dame cathedral with its sculptures and stained glass windows show the heavy influence.
The notre dame cathedral paris or notre dame de paris meaning our lady of paris in french is a gothic cathedral located in the fourth arrondissement of paris france it has its main entrance to the west. Notre dame de paris french. Lacroix patissier 0 08 mi comme chai toi notre dame. Cet emplacement est un haut lieu de dévotion depuis le moyen age.
Au xixe siècle viollet le duc y place une statue de la vierge à l enfant appelée depuis notre dame de paris. The cathedral was consecrated to the virgin mary and considered to be one of the finest examples of french gothic architecture. Catedrala a fost construita intre secolele xii si xiii. 0 03 mi la creperie du cloitre 0 03 mi a l ombre de notre dame 0 03 mi la rosace bistro 0 09 mi a.
Restaurants near cathédrale notre dame de paris. It is the most famous of the gothic cathedrals of the middle ages and is distinguished for its size antiquity and architectural interest. The island is on the eastern half of the île de la cité. Notre dame cathedral paris.
Notre dame de paris also called notre dame cathedral cathedral church in paris. Meaning our lady of paris referred to simply as notre dame is a medieval catholic cathedral on the île de la cité in the 4th arrondissement of paris. Notre dame dès le xiie siècle un autel dédié à marie est adossé au pilier sud est de la cathédrale.